{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }: let inherit (builtins) filter isAttrs isBool ; inherit (lib) concatStringsSep filterAttrs foldl hasPrefix mapAttrs' mapAttrsToList mkDefault mkIf mkOption ; inherit (lib.types) attrsOf bool either enum int nullOr package path str submodule ; explicit = filterAttrs (n: v: n != "_module" && v != null); concatNonEmpty = sep: list: concatStringsSep sep (filter (s: s != "") list); default = d: t: mkOption { type = t; default = d; }; readonly = d: t: mkOption { type = t; default = d; readOnly = true; }; mandatory = t: mkOption { type = t; }; optional = t: mkOption { type = nullOr t; default = null; }; instances = explicit (config.nixsap.apps.php-fpm); users = mapAttrsToList (_: v: v.user) instances; mkLogRotate = name: cfg: let instance = "php-fpm-${name}"; in { name = instance; value = { files = "${cfg.logDir}/*.log"; directives = { delaycompress = mkDefault true; missingok = mkDefault true; notifempty = mkDefault true; rotate = mkDefault 14; sharedscripts = true; daily = mkDefault true; create = mkDefault "0640 ${cfg.user} ${cfg.user}"; postrotate = pkgs.writeBashScript "logrotate-${instance}-postrotate" "systemctl kill -s SIGUSR1 --kill-who=main '${instance}.service'"; }; }; }; mkService = name: cfg: let show = v: if isBool v then (if v then "yes" else "no") else toString v; mkGroup = group: opts: main: let f = k: v: if k == main then "${group} = ${show v}" else "${group}.${k} = ${show v}"; in concatNonEmpty "\n" (mapAttrsToList f (explicit opts)); mkEnv = t: k: v: "${t}[${k}] = ${show v}"; mkPool = k: v: if k == "listen" then mkGroup k v "socket" else if k == "env" || hasPrefix "php_" k then concatNonEmpty "\n" (mapAttrsToList (mkEnv k) v) else if k == "pm" then mkGroup k v "strategy" else if isAttrs v then mkGroup k v "" else "${k} = ${show v}"; mkGlobal = k: v: if isAttrs v then mkGroup k v "" else "${k} = ${show v}"; conf = pkgs.writeText "php-fpm-${name}.conf" '' [global] daemonize = no ${concatNonEmpty "\n" (mapAttrsToList mkGlobal (explicit cfg.global))} [pool] listen.mode = 0660 ${concatNonEmpty "\n" (mapAttrsToList mkPool (explicit cfg.pool))} ''; exec = "${cfg.package}/bin/php-fpm --fpm-config ${conf} " + ( if cfg.php-ini != null then "--php-ini ${cfg.php-ini}" else "--no-php-ini" ); in { "php-fpm-${name}" = { description = "PHP FastCGI Process Manager (${name})"; after = [ "local-fs.target" ]; wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; preStart = '' mkdir -p -- '${cfg.home}' '${cfg.logDir}' rm -f -- '${cfg.pool.listen.socket}' chown -Rc '${cfg.user}:${cfg.user}' -- '${cfg.home}' chmod -Rc u=rwX,g=rX,o= -- '${cfg.home}' ''; serviceConfig = { ExecStart = exec; KillMode = "mixed"; PermissionsStartOnly = true; Restart = "always"; User = cfg.user; }; }; }; in { options.nixsap.apps.php-fpm = default {} (attrsOf (submodule( { config, name, ... }: { options = { home = mkOption { description = "Directory with logs and the socket"; type = path; default = "/php-fpm/${name}"; }; logDir = mkOption { description = "Directory with logs. This is convenient read-only option"; type = path; readOnly = true; default = "${config.home}/log"; }; user = mkOption { description = "User to run as"; type = str; default = "php-fpm-${name}"; }; package = mkOption { description = "PHP package to use FPM from"; type = package; default = pkgs.php; }; php-ini = mkOption { description = "php.ini file to pass to php-fpm"; type = nullOr path; default = null; }; global = { emergency_restart_interval = optional int; emergency_restart_threshold = optional int; error_log = readonly "${config.logDir}/error.log" path; log_level = optional (enum ["alert" "error" "warning" "notice" "debug"]); process_control_timeout = optional int; rlimit_core = optional int; rlimit_files = optional int; process = { max = optional int; priority = optional int; }; }; pool = { catch_workers_output = optional bool; chdir = optional path; clear_env = optional bool; env = default {} (attrsOf str); php_admin_flag = default {} (attrsOf bool); php_admin_value = default {} (attrsOf (either str int)); php_flag = default {} (attrsOf bool); php_value = default {} (attrsOf (either str int)); request_terminate_timeout = optional int; rlimit_core = optional int; rlimit_files = optional int; listen = { acl_groups = optional str; backlog = optional int; socket = readonly "${config.home}/sock" path; }; pm = { max_children = mandatory int; max_requests = optional int; max_spare_servers = optional int; min_spare_servers = optional int; start_servers = optional int; status_path = optional path; strategy = mandatory (enum ["static" "ondemand" "dynamic"]); }; ping = { path = optional path; response = optional str; }; }; }; }))); config = mkIf ({} != instances) { nixsap.apps.logrotate.conf = mapAttrs' mkLogRotate instances; nixsap.system.users.daemons = users; systemd.services = foldl (a: b: a//b) {} (mapAttrsToList mkService instances); }; }