BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterImplemented .WAITIgor Pashev9 years
4.1gunmake-4.1.tar.gz  Paul Smith10 years
4.0gunmake-4.0.tar.gz  Paul Smith11 years
3.99.93gunmake-3.99.93.tar.gz  Paul Smith11 years
3.99.92gunmake-3.99.92.tar.gz  Paul Smith11 years
3.99.91gunmake-3.99.91.tar.gz  Paul Smith11 years
3.99.90gunmake-3.99.90.tar.gz  Paul Smith11 years
moved-to-gittag aeb3bfea79...Paul Smith11 years
3.82gunmake-3.82.tar.gz  Paul Smith14 years
3.81gunmake-3.81.tar.gz  Paul Smith18 years
3.80gunmake-3.80.tar.gz  Paul Smith22 years
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2002-10-04Update version info.3.80Paul Smith1-2/+1
2002-10-04Don't put .cvsignore files in the distributed tar file.Paul Smith1-1/+1
2002-10-04Fix K&R-isms found on SunOS 4.1.4 builds.Paul Smith6-25/+64
2002-10-03Some updates for automake 1.7 and prep for releasing 3.80.Paul Smith7-27/+32
2002-10-01Add VMS updates from Martin Zinser.Paul Smith3-5/+65
2002-09-23Fix a bug handling target/prerequisite names containing commentPaul Smith5-10/+27
2002-09-18Fix a bug exporting/unexporting multiple variables in one command.Paul Smith5-34/+127
2002-09-18Add some indexing to the manual.Paul Smith5-3/+14
2002-09-17Fix bug #940 (from the Savannah bug tracker): make sure that target-Paul Smith5-6/+94
2002-09-12Fixups for the release. One bug fix, some automake complaint fixes,Paul Smith4-3/+14